Here’s the skinny on where we are with things.
What’s with our visas? We are still trying to obtain work visas with a Brazilian lawyer. We were originally told that it would take 30 days to get our visas; it’s been about two months and we still haven’t gotten them. We have just learned that the Federal Police have had strikes on and off for the past 9 months or so. Any visa other than a tourist visa must first go through the Federal Police so we are left to wait. They are in part striking for structural reform that will help ease the process of issuing visas, but reform takes time. We are still being asked for more information so there has been no denial of our visas yet.
Lindsay with an old pal, former exchange student, Fernanda
What have we been doing? Before visiting Jeff’s grandparents in California we quit our jobs believing that we would leave for Brazil shortly after our return. Since we’re still here we’ve found ways to keep busy. Jeff has worked on various ministry projects and continues to do freelance work fixing computers. We’ve also spent a lot of free time visiting with out of town family and friends.
Jeff helping Lindsay's brother rebuild his deck.
What are we going to do now? Returning to Brazil may not happen immediately so in the interim we are hunting for jobs. While there is still a good chance that we will be going back soon, we want to be prepared for being in the US for a while. If we do have our visas denied, we will need to go back to school. We are hoping to find jobs at universities or jobs that offer tuition reimbursement.
What are we praying for? Please join us in praying: We are praying that God will continue to lead us and open the doors that he chooses to open. We are praying as we search for the jobs that God has planned. We are praying that we will continue to trust God as we wait to hear what will happen. Pray that we will feel at peace with what God is doing in our lives.
Jeff at the Cart Family Farm